Bob Berlin & the DuPage County State's Attorney's Office's Top 10 Accomplishments of 2022

2022 was an extremely busy one for public safety in DuPage County. We sat down with Bob to talk about some of his proudest accomplishments in the last year. Here’s what we came up with:

1. Illinois Supreme Court grants SA Berlin and SA Mosser's Motion for Supervisory Order and suspends implementation of the Pretrial Fairness Portion of the Safe-T Act.

On December 31, 2022, the Illinois Supreme Court granted an Emergency Motion for Supervisory Order jointly filed by State’s Attorneys Bob Berlin (DuPage) and Jamie Mosser (Kane). The Court’s order suspended implementation of the Safe-T-Act pending resolution of current litigation.

In the motion, which was filed on December 30, 2022, the States Attorneys sought “an order sufficient to maintain a status quo of consistent pretrial procedures throughout the State of Illinois” to not only clarify the implementation of the Safe-T-Act, but to also maintain an orderly administration of justice. Had the Safe-T-Act gone into effect on January 1, 2023, while litigation is pending, the administration of justice in Illinois would have been uneven, thus harming all the citizens of the State. The decision of the Court guaranteed that those accused of a crime in Illinois will receive equal and fair treatment throughout the State.

Full story here.

2. Chicago man sentenced to 40 years IDOC for carjacking a pregnant woman in Downers Grove.

“In late 2019, Mr. Washington-Davis, Mr. Embry and allegedly Mr. Robinson, terrorized DuPage County residents stealing three vehicles at gunpoint in two-weeks’ time,” Berlin said. “Violent crimes such as these have an incredibly crippling effect on not just the immediate victims, but the entire community as well leaving residents to fear for their personal safety. Judge Reidy’s sentence sends the strong message that in DuPage County there will be a steep price to pay for anyone convicted of a violent crime. I thank Assistant State’s Attorneys Kristin Sullivan and Nick Catizone for their efforts in holding this defendant responsible for his actions.”

Full story here.

3. Justin Dalcollo sentenced to 101 years IDOC for horrific abduction/rape/robbery of college student in Bloomingdale in March, 2017.

“For the victim in this case, a relaxing, enjoyable spring break spent at home with family and friends, came to an abrupt end on March 22, 2019, when Justin Dalcollo kidnapped her at gunpoint and sexually assaulted her,” Berlin said. “While the memories of that horrible day may fade with time, time cannot erase what happened. The victim, and the entire community, have been harmed by this defendant’s abhorrent behavior and demand justice. With this young woman’s amazing courage to confront Mr. Dalcollo eye to eye and her refusal to become a silent victim, justice has been served. He has most certainly earned every year of his one-hundred-and-one-year sentence. I thank DuPage County Assistant State’s Attorneys Jim Scaliatine and Jaclyn McAndrew as well as Kane County Assistant State’s Attorney Lori Schmidt for their efforts in ensuring Mr. Dalcollo will never be able to prey on innocent women again.”

Full story here.

4. Appellate Court affirms conviction and life sentence of man convicted of brutal murder of a Hinsdale woman in her home in May 2017.

On July 19, 2022, DuPage County State’s Attorney Robert B. Berlin announced that the Second District Appellate Court of Illinois affirmed the natural-life plus forty-five years sentence of Dominic Sanders for the 2017 murder of Andrea Urban. In his petition seeking either a reduced sentence or a new sentencing hearing, Sanders claimed that the trial court did not adequately consider his rehabilitative potential when imposing his sentences.

On June 20, 2020, Judge Brian Telander sentenced Sanders to natural life in prison without the possibility of parole for Urban’s murder, thirty years for Home Invasion and fifteen years for Residential Burglary. All three sentences will be served consecutively. At his sentencing hearing, the State presented evidence of two incidents that occurred while Sanders was in custody awaiting trial. One incident, characterized by the Court as “a vicious, unprovoked attack” was against a fellow inmate Steven Kelly in which Sanders was “the main person involved.” The second incident related to Sanders’ attempt to destroy evidence against him. At sentencing, Judge Telander characterized Urban’s murder as “savagely violent, savagely vicious, utterly wicked and evil.” Judge Telander also found Sanders’ criminal history to be “horrendous,” stating “the public needs to be protected from you forever.” The Appellate Court disagreed with Sanders’ assertions that the Court abused its discretion at sentencing. In its decision, the Appellate Court noted that “the viciousness of Urban’s murder was seen again in Kelly’s beating” and consequently, “the trial court reasonably found that defendant lacked rehabilitative potential.” The Appellate Court concluded that “In this case, the record overwhelmingly supported the trial court’s exercise of its discretion in imposing the defendant's sentence.”

Full story here.

5. Man sentenced to 10 years IDOC for Attempt Terrorism after pleading guilty to attempting to blow up Lombard Police Cars with a molotov cocktail on the night of the George Floyd riots in Chicago

“In June 2020, amid legitimate protests, Mr. Frazee armed himself with a Molotov cocktail, headed towards the Lombard Village Hall and municipal campus intent on terrorizing the community through violence,” Berlin said. “If not for the vigilance and quick actions of the Lombard Police Department, the situation may have escalated resulting in the loss of property and perhaps the loss of human life. Judge Reidy’s sentence today sends the message that criminal activity under the guise of legitimate protests is still criminal activity and will not be tolerated in DuPage County. I thank the Lombard Police Department for their truly outstanding work on this case. I thank the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives as well as United States Attorney John Lausch and his office for their assistance. I also thank First Assistant State’s Attorney Bernie Murray and Assistant State’s Attorney Lee Roupas for their efforts which ultimately led to today’s guilty plea.”

Full story here.

6. Bond denied for Chicago man accused of Attempt Murder of a Lombard Police Officer after the man's alleged accomplice allegedly fired at the police and was killed by the police returning fire.

On December 11, 2022, DuPage County State’s Attorney Robert Berlin and Lombard Chief of Police Roy Newton announced that bond was denied for a Chicago man accused of robbing a Lombard Tobacco shop at gunpoint which led to an exchange of gunfire resulting in a Lombard police officer being shot in the leg and the shooting death of a suspect.

Anthony Brown, 31 (1/13/1991) of the 7500 block of S. Hermitage Avenue, appeared in Bond Court this morning where Judge James Orel granted the State’s motion to deny bond. Brown has been charged with one count of Attempt First Degree Murder, one count of Aggravated Battery, one count of Aggravated Discharge of a Firearm at an Officer and one count of Armed Robbery with a Firearm, all Class X Felonies.

“We as a society must never normalize or accept the type of violent behavior alleged in this case,” Berlin said. “We should be outraged at allegations such as these, that two masked men robbed a business at gunpoint and then, without provocation or even a warning from officers, opened fire on the police officers. This behavior cannot stand and in DuPage County we will not sit idly by while criminals terrorize our communities. We will respond with every legal tool available to control violent crime and keep our businesses, their patrons and our communities safe. We are all very thankful that the officer involved is expected to survive his injury. He has a long road ahead of him and we wish him the best and thank him for his service.”

Full story here.

7. Anthony Tillman convicted of First Degree Murder in April 2017 road rage shooting on I-88 in Oak Brook and sentenced to 50 years IDOC.

On November 28, 2022, DuPage County State’s Attorney Robert Berlin announced that Anthony Tillmon, 40 (d.o.b. 8/28/1982) a tow-truck driver formerly of Lansing, has been sentenced to fifty years in the Illinois Department of Corrections for fatally shooting the driver of a semitrailer truck following a road rage altercation in April, 2017. On May 18, 2022, Judge John Kinsella found Tillmon guilty of one count of First-Degree Murder following a five-day-long bench trial. He has remained in custody on a bond of $3 million with 10% to apply since turning himself in on April 25, 2017.

“Anthony Tillmon, in a complete display of disregard for public safety, opened fire during rush hour on a crowded highway and murdered a man he had never met simply because he could not control his anger” Berlin said. “Truck drivers have an extremely stressful job and for someone to violently take the life of a man who was just trying to make an honest living is inexcusable. This senseless loss of life drastically changed the lives of Eduardo’s family and friends, who are now left with only their memories of Eduardo to see them through their days. I wish them all strength, particularly at this time of year as they once again celebrate the holidays without Eduardo.”

Full story here and here.

8. Bond denied for man accused of opening fire at the Yorktown Mall during the holiday shopping season.

“With the holiday shopping season just beginning, the allegations that these two defendants opened fire in the middle of the afternoon in the parking lot of a popular mall demonstrates a complete and utter disregard for public safety and the rule of law,” Berlin said. “In DuPage County, public safety is our top priority and the public can rest assured that law enforcement throughout the County will be on high alert and well prepared to protect our shoppers, merchants and restaurateurs from the type of violent behavior alleged today. Make no mistake, anyone who commits this type of violent crime in DuPage County will be apprehended, charged, aggressively prosecuted and, if found guilty, face a significant amount of time behind bars. Thankfully, the injury sustained by the victim does not appear to be life-threatening. I commend the Lombard Police Department for their rapid response and outstanding efforts in the quick identification and apprehension of the defendants in this case. I thank the Department of Homeland Security, DuMeg and the Chicago Police Department for their assistance. I also thank Assistant State’s Attorneys Katharine Klosowski, Connor Greene and Elizabeth Romano for their work in securing strong charges against these two defendants.”

Full story here.

9. DuPage Mental Health Court (MICAP) graduates largest class ever.

DuPage County State’s Attorney Bob Berlin is a proud supporter of the 18th Judicial Circuit’s specialty courts, which seek to address endemic societal problems through innovative and responsive solutions. DuPage County is currently home to several specialty courts, namely “First Offender Call Unified for Success” (F.O.C.U.S. Court) [Drug Court], Veterans Court, and Mental Health Court. The DuPage County State’s Attorney’s office is an active participant in these specialty courts. The office seeks to insure that qualified defendants are allowed to participate in these programs and receive the treatment and/or services they require to reduce recidivism and return to society equipped for success.

DuPage County Chief Judge Kenneth Popejoy announced that the DuPage County Mental Illness Court Alternative Program (MICAP) conducted a graduation ceremony honoring twenty participants, the largest graduating class in its history, on July 9, 2021. The audience included family, friends, defense attorneys and police officers, including the arresting officers of many of the participants. Chief Judge Popejoy commented “I commend the collaborative effort of MICAP and our team members, including the DuPage County Probation Department, Health Department, State’s Attorney Office and Public Defender’s Office. Working together, we can improve participant’s lives and reduce recidivism.”

Full story here.

10. Hoffman Estates woman sentenced to 3 years IDOC for starving two dogs to death.

“Simply put, with Sarah Gorski and Andre Norris responsible for their well-being, Otis and Bubba never stood a chance,” Berlin said. “After living in deplorable conditions, they both suffered horrible, painful and unnecessary deaths after suffering through heartbreaking lives. Thankfully, Scooby did not meet the same fate and is living happily with his foster family. I thank the Naperville Police Department, Naperville Animal Control, the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine, VCA Boulder Terrace and Care Animal Clinic of Plainfield for their assistance on this case. I also thank Assistant State’s Attorneys Alyssa Rabulinski and Jaclyn McAndrew for their efforts on this very disturbing case.”

Full story here.

Daniel Szczesny